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The Poetry of the Moon & Stars (Audiobook)
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Read by Richard Mitchley & Ghizela Rowe (Unabridged: 1hr 5mins)

Featuring poems by Edgar Allan Poe, Thomas Hardy, H.P. Lovecraft, Nathaniel Hawthorne, W.B. Yeats & more.

The sun has descended below the far horizon.  The inky blackness of night begins to envelop the land.  Day has gone and the nocturnal times reveal themselves.  But above the dark blanket the moon, whether waxing or waning, stands sentry and around it vast clouds and swirls of stars regiment themselves.  We look up in awe and wonder, frail beneath their vista.

Our gloried poets are on hand though to capture word and deed, emotion and feeling, friend and foe.  Among our ranks of astounding talents are Keats, Byron, Wordsworth, Hardy, Poe, Shelley, Longfellow and many more beside.  Their descriptions capture what they see and feel and describe as perhaps only a poet can.