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Read by Richard Mitchley, Ghizela Rowe & Gideon Wagner (Unabridged: 1hr 52mins)
Strictly speaking The Lake Poets were not a movement or school of poetry they were only so named as such by The Edinburgh Review so that they could be disparaged.
It was a spectacular backfire!
The three main figures would be rightly seen as among the most monumental figures in English poetry - William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the under rated but immense Robert Southey, himself a thirty year poet laureate.
The profound majesty of the Lake District, an area of almost unequalled beauty, of mythical landscapes and beguiling charm influenced and acted as muse to their burgeoning talents.
Their creations have ennobled this poetry as an art form that is intense, lyrical, moving and above all deliciously satisfying.
Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical